Leverage open land on your property for potential monthly income
from tenants or simply to keep Granny safe.
Foam Cement
Exterior Wall

Click here to view the Rapid Assembly Steel & Foam Cement Kit Video
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) have been known
by many names: granny flats, in-law units, backyard
cottages, secondary units and more. No matter what
you call them, ADUs are an innovative, affordable,
effective option for adding much-needed housing
in California.
HCD is the state’s leader on local ADU
ordinances, which — while optional — have grown
exponentially in number as more cities, counties, and
homeowners become interested in ADUs as one
solution to increasing the supply of affordable housing.
What are the benefits of ADUs?
ADUs are an affordable type of home to construct in
California because they do not require paying for land,
major new infrastructure, structured parking, or elevators.
ADUs can provide a source of income for homeowners.
ADUs are traditionally built with wood frame construction
PanLbilt's Steel & Foam Cement Building Kits are significantly
less costly than homes in new multifamily infill buildings.
ADUs allow extended families to be near one another while
maintaining privacy. ADUs can provide as much living space
as many newly-built apartments and condominiums, and
they’re suited well for couples, small families, friends, young
people, and seniors.
ADUs give homeowners the flexibility to share independent
living areas with family members and others, allowing seniors
to age in place as they require more care. (source California
Department of Housing and Community Development)
PanLbilt offers various floorplans to meet the needs of the occupants by providing
comfortable living and a solidly built home that is rated to Richter 9 for earthquakes.
These houses are also impervious to mold and mildew.
Naples floorplan features 2 Bedrooms & 2 Baths

One Bedroom, One Bath Milan Ranch Floorplan
Sienna's spacious floorplan features 1 large upstairs
bedroom and 2 baths
Florence Ranch Model floorplan is competitive with Tiny Houses
& features One Bedroom and One Bath

For further technical information, please contact Marketing Department allano@PanLbilt.com